The basic professional skills of the realistic operation of small excavator long arm excavator what models are there
Update time : 2022-04-02 09:17:54
micro excavator mountain road digging basic operation process and safety knowledge
micro excavator mountain road digging basic operation process and safety knowledge process 1: Before the excavation of the foundation pit, dig all the tree technology that is in the way of the working standard of the miniature excavator, in order to prevent the destruction of the pipeline and lamp on the arm of the miniature excavator, such consumables! Process 2: From the side of the mountain to the surface of the bush and miscellaneous trees, such as the skin dug underneath! Process 3: after opening the skin, the first shovel first
small excavator practical operation of the basic professional skills
today, Yugong machinery small editor to explain to everyone the following small excavator practical operation of the basic professional skills, are full of dry goods, everyone hurry up to take a small book. The speed and the size of the energy of the small hydraulic excavator posture are all able to be operated by the control rocker when operating. When the control stroke of the rocker is placed for hours, the action of the small excavator is relatively slow, and the energy is relatively small.
things, control the stroke of the rocker placed large, small excavator action is fast, energy is also large.
therefore operate to control the stroke placement size of the rocker can operate the speed and energy of the small excavator. Operation control stroke placement of the rocker, that is, driving touch is often said to be the basic professional skills that small excavators must master in safe driving. When things do not place the rocker stroke to large, so that the small excavator posture will accelerate suddenly, will lead to the small excavator fierce shaking. This is a problem that many beginners often encounter.
"reality operation needs to be controlled by the small stroke of the rocker placed too much to the large stroke placed, is the center should have a small cache, so the excavator operation posture will be smooth. (1) earthwork excavation is the key thing of excavator, safe driving small excavator earthwork excavation will have many ways, can immediately affect the efficiency of things. There is a way of earthwork excavation, that is, it is usually dominated by the bucket rod hydraulic cylinder, assisted by the boom hydraulic cylinder, and the deviation of the crawler plate needs to be adjusted according to the movement track of the bucket Mast. Crawler plate must be inserted into the soil like a knife cutting potato silk, rather than "pat buried inserted into a certain depth, then held hook, arm. It is the ultimate earthwork excavation position.
(2) if is digging along a soil, the soil and unusually hard words, and good in only two or three segments first cut down to earth, and dug up again at loading or the rest of the pay attention to the things, rate of earthwork excavation every bucket must dig dig a bucket full of full, mentioned after digging bucket, terminate all the rest position as far as possible, only self-reliance go all out to do rotary position, rotation speed Rate can be quickly. When the earthwork is excavated and rotated, the bucket is not capable, but slightly opened, so that the soil can not be thrown out from behind the bucket due to the inertia force. When the earth is unloaded, the bucket will be opened quickly.
(3) unloading soil, must not be all by the behavior of the bucket into the soil, but at the same time, the use of bucket rod instantaneous with acceptance exercise and then open the gap will be thrown out of the soil, that faster! The whole process of leveling the road surface with small excavator is similar to the whole process of a triangle transformation. The three sides of this triangle are divided into boom, bucket and pavement.
small excavator road leveling things, the real operation of the boom and bucket rod has a trigonometric function association. In other words, the size of the bucket rod hydraulic cylinder must match a value of the arm hydraulic cylinder extension or shortening, so that the bucket can be operated to maintain uniform linear motion, and the road surface can be repaired neatly. Leveling is a skill. This is a small excavator key and basically a posture, is the basic of the rest of the posture.
rare attention is, in a common thing on the small excavator leveling road is a must carefully look, carefully realistic operation of the matter, on the road up and down a number of observation and comparison must have a reasonable resolution, which must be durable resume accumulation. If the road surface has only a small amount of loose slag, it must be leveled. The driving staff often use a small excavator to rotate and sweep away the slag stone. It must be paid attention to that the energy of rotation is relatively smaller, and the hard soil or soil is touched for a long time. So use a variety of things in different ways depending on the details.
"small excavator excavation things look very simple, in reality, to dig a good ditch must also be very high technical strength. Excavation has two basic demarcation, one is straight, the other is straight. Straight refers to the groove according to the demarcation demarcation of the spirit of the accurate digging. Common construction site is to be able to go up in the floor the line of the ditch with pure white lime pink picture goes out. If there is no line, only a lot of how many points, then use the caterpillar first in many points of the central walk again, leaving some caterpillar imprint can have the effect of lime powder line, that is, pay attention not to
to drop the point. The center of the small excavator is pointing to the lime powder line, the central track plate of the bucket is pointing to the lime powder line foundation pit excavation, and the line of the ditch is right! Shun is to point to: the bottom edge of the ditch to smooth, tilt operation according to the requirements. Many driving staff to prevent the bottom of the ditch several, should be more than when getting off the observation or demarcated civil construction worker certification food class accurate measurement. When the trench reaches a certain depth, the two sides of the trench must be dug into a steep slope to prevent the collapse, the edge of which, as usual, is cut out by the side blades of both sides of the bucket!
has a strange state that a ditch must be built close to a building. If the small excavator is built close to the project, there is no limitation of tail rotation. When turning, the tail end of the small excavator is unusually easy to run down Hengyu construction. Farther away, the digging direction of the small excavator bucket and the direction of the ditch will have a perspective.
in reality in many cases, because of the place there is no small excavator tail rotation limited indoor space, so many things can not be held small excavator! Like this state, close to Hengyu construction excavation, if the trench to be dug is not very deep, you can put the small excavator in the balanceThe space is built near and across the end of the rotation. Just as the digging direction of the bucket and the direction of the ditch will have a perspective, but in the excavation, only a border line of the ditch to accurately locate the direction of the ditch, and then as far as possible to operate the total width of the ditch.
clear rotation of the tail end and hengyu to build the spacing of the facility is: the head out of the car cab to see the left end of the small excavator. Small excavator first gradually from left to right rotation. The left end of the small excavator can be seen at the same time and the spacing built by Hengyu.
clear not easy to touch, then explain from right to left when the invisible right tail will not be built with hengyu collision!